architectural anthropologist


to May 24

Wenner Gren workshop: Unbuilding the Future

In this Wenner Gren workshop we turn our attention to the problem of ‘unbuilding’. Confronted with the crumbling legacy of 20th century infrastructures, the toxic effects of extractive and manufacturing industries, and the shadow futures of new investments, we are facing the urgent question of how to unbuild worlds. This workshop brings together a group of scholars over four days who are working on sites of unbuilding around the world, to interrogate empirically and theoretically what unbuilding entails, the effects it produces and the political relations that it demands.

Conveners: Constance Smith (University of Manchester), Penny Harvey (University of Manchester), Hannah Knox (University College London), Maria Salaru (University College London)

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7:00 AM07:00

ASA panel: Unbuilding the Future - The Legacies and Afterlives of Designed Environments

This panel will explore ideas of unbuilding the future, both in terms of literally de-composing things in order to proceed towards a different kind of future, as well as deconstructing the very idea that ‘the future’ is something that we should be proceeding towards.

Convenors: Constance Smith (University of Manchester) and Hannah Knox (University College London)
Discussants: Maria Salaru (University College London) and Penny Harvey (University of Manchester)

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7:00 AM07:00

EASA panel: Infrastructural Makeshifts: the temporality and materiality of hope in times of urban transformations

This panel aims to ethnographically inspect the temporal and material ways in which makeshift practices play a crucial role in making everyday infrastructural lives possible in contemporary times of urban transformations.

Convenors: Deana Jovanović (Utrecht University) and Maria Șalaru (University College London)

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7:00 AM07:00

London Architecture Festival: Ageing Buildings | Ageing Bodies Plenary

During the London Architecture Festival, I organised a roundtable discussion in collaboration with the Romanian Cultural Institute on the topic of care and ageing in the built environment through the prism of the work of the following scholars: Daniela Calciu (Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest), Gabriela Nicolescu (University of Oxford, Anthropology)
, Iulia Stătică (UCL, The Bartlett School of Architecture) and myself. Discussant: Hannah Knox (UCL, Anthropology)

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7:00 AM07:00

de-a arhitectura Film Challenge: The Block

Challenge 12 #DeaArhitecturaAcasa: Case de film” face parte din activitățile De-a Arhitectura începute în plin context pandemic când asociația a dorit să găsească o modalitate prin care să aducă arhitectura și educația de mediu construit mai aproape de copii și tineri, direct în casele lor. Rețeaua De-a arhitectura a dezvoltat periodic noi conținuturi adaptate acestor timpuri incerte care să se poată desfășura de la distanță, dar, în același timp, să îi provoace pe participanți în moduri creative, să fie jucăușe și accesibile în termeni de timp investit și materiale utilizate.

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3:00 PM15:00

Urban Eye Film Festival - Plenary discussion, Living Together

What do we share when we live in a city, a neighbourhood, or a block of flats? In what ways do we share use the shared spaces of a contemporary Romanian city? What are the main perspectives on this phenomenon in the past, and what can we do in the future?

The discussion will be moderated by Radu Ponta (Republic of Architects), and my fellow discussants are Bodgan Suditu (geographer) and Cristi Borcan (architect).

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10:00 AM10:00

ASA Lab: People-centred development: a resilient approach to Global Challenges

Boundaries between academia and the rest of the world are fast dissolving, yet facilitating collaborative learning between academics, students, companies or other organisations presents significant challenges. How can anthropologists and other social scientists rise to these new challenges?

Convenors: Maria Salaru (Durham University); Simone Abram (Durham University)

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2:30 PM14:30

Advance Higher Education STEM Conference 2019

  • Millenium Point, Curzon St Birmingham B4 7XG (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop builds on the Erasmus+ PEOPLE project which engaged commercial and public organisations in postgraduate student learning to solve real-life industry challenges. Workshop participants will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of co-creation through the PEOPLE-centred development approach, covering how to: identify and negotiate relationships with potential partners, translate academic concepts for practical purposes, and managing conflicting priorities.

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2:00 PM14:00

Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth 2018 Conference

  • Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The lab will rethink how social reality is reproduced through everyday practices of measurement and ask how anthropology can contribute to the re-design of everyday life. 

The lab will ask, 'What is a meter?' What does it measure, and what does it ignore? How do meters configure you as a user and your actions as part of a social collective? How is their authority maintained? Is a meter merely a way to facilitate exchange of service for money, or is it a means to generate a calculative subject (von Schnitzler, 2008)? Do meters produce a kind of "space of calculability" (Callon & Caliskan, 2005) which invites residents to subject their daily consumption practices to a constant metrological scrutiny? How do meters mediate the relationship between state and citizen (Anand, 2015; Fennell, 2011; Min & Golden, 2013) or company and consumer (Coleman, 2014)? How much of the meter's utility is evident in its design, its placement, its representation and its products? And what are the implications of digital, smart or open-source meters that promise to give new kinds of agency to both people and things? 

Lab run together with Simone Abram (Durham University) and Hannah Knox (University College London) 

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2:30 PM14:30

Pitt Rivers Museum Research Seminar in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology

  • Pitt Rivers Museum, Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PP (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Based on long term fieldwork in an apartment building in Piatra-Neamț, my research explores the role various social and material actors play in the maintenance of blocks of flats in Romania, while raising larger questions about the complex interrelationship between people's rapidly changing everyday lives and decaying infrastructure in post-socialist cities. My project expands upon current anthropological debates in architecture, infrastructure and economic anthropology, but in this talk I would like to particularly highlight the contributions my work makes to visual anthropology by discussing extracts from my observational documentary, The Block, that follows the story of the block’s administrator in his effort to mediate relationships between neighbours.

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